Flash Cards

I bought 4 sets of flash cards for Declan when he was only a few months old. I kept those boxes and started showing him the animal cards when he was able to sit upright. While I showed him the cards, I will also tell him the names of each and every animal. However, he never seems to be listening to me. When he was much younger, he'll just snatch my cards away and crush them. When he was much older, he prefers to mess around with the cards, such as throwing them around or just sweeping them all over the place. Having said that, I still continue to read out the animal names to him once in awhile (which is like once in a few weeks :p).

As he was about a year old, he was able to just pay a tiny bit of attention to me when i call out the animal names and show him the picture. I assume that out of the whole lot, he'll only be able to recognise the cat.

I got a pleasent surprise just now, while i was lazing in bed, I was trying to keep him occupied so that he'll allow me to just lie down for awhile, I spread out the box of flashcards for him to mess with. While I lie down, I casually ask :"Declan, can you pass me the "snake", he search for awhile and push the "snake" card in my face. Ah well done! i told him, brushing it aside as coincident. While I'm still lying down, not even looking at him, I ask ;" Where is the butterfly?" He pointed to the "butterfly" card and say "neh!" Ohhh interesting I tell myself. So I went on to ask him for "cat", "tiger" and "fish" and each time, he was able to give me the right card!

How exciting! But I decided to stop at 5 cards. In case he got bored of it.

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I took the 5 cards, held his hand and went to the living room. I spreaded the cards on the table and ask him to pick out the "butterfly" for his ah ma. He chooses the right card and gave it to his ah ma. Ah ma was excited to see him doing that. He went on to give his ah ma all the other cards correctly as I called them out indivdually.

This is an exciting milestone. He is starting to recognise the different types of animals. I'll just make do with these 5 and probably I'll try to intro 1 or 2 new animals(those more common ones) to him every few weeks. Let's see how many new animals he can recognised. So Fun!


Phoebe said...

Great job, Dec! Its so interesting to watch them grow :)

MomsyWorld said...

Wah...clever gor gor...

My ethyl ar...only shove my cards aside everytime i show her...she's very interested in playing around with my PDA and is always amazed to see her photos in it! :)

When can she be like declan...better take one step at a time ba! ;p

Mama Kat said...

Shannon also oni like to see animal.. she can recognize her lion, tiger, dog, hippo (as po to her) and others.. coz i paste the cheap cheap chart on the wall for her to see.. (& also to pluck!!!)

blurblur said...

Well done, Declan! Another great step forward...:)

Unknown said...

Haha we have exactly the same set of flash cards for baby Qianyi, she likes "Butterfly" the best. You may want to try showing Dec the 'BumbleBee' vocab series of VCDs, Qianyi picks up most of her new words there :)

Vyvy said...

aiyoh that boy got itchy backside, he cannot sit still for long to watch TV one. He is always on the go, he dun move around he'll get edgy

Elena Johnston said...

I didn't do a whole lot with my boys in the way of flash cards. I never quite figured out how it was all supposed to work. Do you correct or reinforce when all things four-legged become "dogs"? When everything beaked becomes a "guck"? It's all very confusing to me.

Vyvy said...

Hi Elena,

When my boy sees a cat and goes "dog", I'll just tell him "oh that's a cat" and every time he do that i repeat the same thing. Slowly he learns that what he sees is a cat. sometimes he will still says dog. I guess this is due to their limited vocab. Dog is easier to pronouce than any other animal names.

Anything which moves and is alive he'll refer to them as dog. Don't get too concern over this, we just need to tell them the correct name each time and soon they will learn.

For me I will just show him the pictures of the animal and read out the names to him. He can't pronouce most of them of course but at least he is starting to recognise some of the more general ones. When i call out fish, butterfly etc, he's able to pick out the correct pictures.