Our 2006 New Year Eve

Our little family spent the last few days of 2006 and first few days of 2007 at our own nest. It's a great feeling to be at our own home. I really appreciate the space as well as the peace. We spent the afternoon at my dad's place because it's his birthday.

Me :"Declan, let's go! We going to kong kong's place."
Dec : "Yeah!!! Go kong kong's place see dog dog!!"
Me :" Go kong kong's place not to see Kong kong but to see dog??....." -_-"

What a filial grandkid my dad has....

So off we went to my dad's place. Of course when we were there, his focus was on the dog instead of the grandpa. He has this love hate relationship with ah girl (the dog). He loves to tease her and yet when he got her excited, Ah Girl will jump on him excitedly and he'll get frightened, cry and Ah girl will get a scolding from my dad for jumping on him. I feel sorry for Ah girl as I know she mean no harm. After he calm down, he'll go chase after Ah girl again... and she'll get excited again and when he turns around, she'll in turn be chasing him and he'll cry again and of course she, for no reason will get another scolding from the doting kong kong. It's a dog's life yeah? ha!

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My sis was there too. This is a heartless woman whom the whole family hardly sees her. It's been a year since she last visited my dad and I had to nag and curse at her for her to show face today. She, just like me and some members of my family are game craze. I've mellowed down a lot when it comes to gaming. Where got time now?? I got a todd running my life! My sis had a Nintendo DS in her bag, the moment she flashed it out, I conquered the machine, even the presence of my little todd didn't deter me!!

We had an early dinner there and left for some last minute shopping before heading home to join the rest of the Lims in their "neighbourhood" party.

Same like last year, we headed down to Fullerton vicinity to catch the fireworks. We arrived early and even have time to take a snapshot near fullerton. His grandma make use of the waiting time to teach Declan his numbers.

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Here's a few snapshots of the fireworks on New Year Eve.

Happy 2007 to all of you, may your new year be a peaceful and cheerful one.


Irene said...

What great fun you had. I like how you continue to game even when Dec is climbing around you. Hahaha. I'm like that when I'm on the computer.

Anonymous said...

Talk about baking...Brian promise me a baking oven for yr 2006...

oh...fireworks!!! I have been telling brian how I wished I can catch this year's fireworks too! Too bad...
I am not gonna miss next year's! Ethyl's 3yo by then and we'll dump the Daddy and catch the fireworks ourselves! :)

Vyvy said...

i can't even prepare the dough properly so i won't ask for an oven yet. wait till i get myself enrolled in some baking course then i will ask for an oven :p

u can always hop on Ah Chuan's pickup with us next year if Brian is unable to bring you gals