Gummy King

Seems like at this point of his existence, Little Dec's only aim in life is to gum everything within his reach. He plays all his toys in his one and only way, that is using his taste buds..... Just look at him!!

Even his tiny little toes are not spared from being gummed!Everytime I see him doing his extreme stunt of raising his feet and shoving his little toes into his mouth for a round of chewing, I'll ask him :" Hey Darling, are your little toes really that tasty??" Feel like giving it a try hiiakhiakhiak!!

As usual, when my ever worrisome Mil saw him chewing all the toys I gave him, she'll go through each and every one of the toys and asked me 1 by 1 :" will this block break open and cut baby's lips? Will the little bell inside drop off and choke baby? will the cloth contain tiny hair which after baby swallow will clog up his lungs? Will the fur (which is actually not there, cos i dun buy furry stuff for my baby) cause asthma? Will baby be affected by the dust which settle on the toys?" etc etc. The list goes on and on and on and on..... sometimes i'd end up asking myself :" Will I go crazy with all these questionings??"

To me, chewing and gumming everything in sight is a natural development phase which all babies will go through, thus no need to be over worried. Just ensure that the baby's toys are clean and without tiny little parts which will choke or poke them and all will be well. I don't believe in bringing up baby in an over sterile environment. I believe, a little exposure to dust and some not so harmful bacteria and sorts will not kill them. It might in turn assist to build up their resistance to such foreign bodies. Remember the "Dirty Eat Dirty Big" theory?? I swear by that! But of course that does not mean one can be unhygienic when it comes to baby stuff.

With this I wanna wish Little Dec, Happy Gummy Time!!!! It's Gummy Time! I won't stop you! go gum whatever you want! Just keep away from poison, medication and all things toxic!