"Na Na", "Dog" and "Oh"

"Na na", "Dog" and "Oh" are the favorite verses of Declan now.

When he says "na na" it can mean "No no", which is what I always tell him, he will also refer to banana as "na na".

To this little boy, all animals are "dog". When he sees cat, he'll wave to it and says "dog", when he sees dog, he'll do the same and no matter what 4 legged animals he sees, he'll still goes "dog". hmmm guess I'm a lousy teacher heheheh.

"Oh" is his version of "uh-oh".

This little loud speaker, when he shrieks and screams, it's real loud and sharp, but when he attempt to pronouce some words, it always sounds as if it all got stuck in his throat. He don't really know how to throw out his speech yet.

But it's fun hearing them learn how to speak. So cute!


MomsyWorld said...

So cute for the 'dog' part!

Yesterday I was teasing him when he spoke so loud...I told him 'sshhhh' and he seems to undersatnd abit and talk softer...for awhile, he forgot again! He went loud and noisy...I pretend to get angry...say 'sshhh' and he looks guilty! So cute!

When he crys so loudly...Ethyl looked at him in amazement...Wah...he very long-winded'...can cry so long dun stop one...pei fu pei fu....

Vyvy said...

i think he inherited the loud voice and long windedness from the LIMs whahahah