Recent Discovery

Recently I discovered the following about my little boy.

1) He doesn’t like durians. Weird isn’t it? To think that both his mum and dad are crazy about durians. When I was carrying him, I ate sooooo much durian in my last trimester that my weight shot up! You may wonder how we discover that he doesn’t like durian. This little glutton will always want a share in whatever we eat. There was one occasion when we were eating durians at home and we offered some to him, to our amazement, he actually pushed our hands away. When we offered to him again, he turned away and there was this not so happy expression on the face. Hmmmmmm must train him to like durians!!!

2) He knew how to make “3-point turn” to get himself down the bed. Previously, he always wanted to plunge head down off he bed. After some teaching and nagging from his dad, whenever he wants to plunge of the bed, we’ll get hold of him and say;” baby turn turn, remember what daddy teach you?” He’ll just do a “3-point turn” automatically and let himself down the bed. The won him many applause from his “audiences” whom find this act very entertaining.

3) He has learnt how to climb onto the bed on his own.

4) He has developed separation anxiety. Sometimes I wonder whether it is really separation anxiety or it’s just what his grandma termed “flower leg”, which means that he’ll want to follow whenever we are going out of the house. Nowadays, when he sees me get dress up and start to mess around with my hair, he’ll crawl to me and pull himself up holding onto my legs and refuse to let go. I’ve no choice but to carry him, after which he’ll refuse to be passed over to anyone else, not even to his grandma. He’ll fight with all his might to cling on to me, I’m actually amazed by his strength when he hold on to my blouse so tightly and tensed his whole body so forcefully that it is actually a real challenge to ply him off me. The end result is always him wailing his head off.

5) He’s got 2 more teeth!! 2+2=4 Four incisors! And he’s also developed a liking to use his caregiver as teether…. Ouch…


Phoebe said...

Tim dislikes Durian too! He scrunched his face up after trying some! Guess he got that from Troy :P

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahaha..... most probably, he got sick and tired of durians when you overdosed during pregnancy!! :P

all the best!!


MomsyWorld said...

Strange tho'...i used to love durians b4 my pregnancy...

When I was pregnant, Hubby keep asking me to eat durians as they believe it will make the baby grow bigger...

Now, Ethyl loves durians and me, just neutral...if possible, I really would love NOT to eat at all! YUCKS!!! But still, I do eat durians the time on Declan's b'day!

Phoebe said...

Ivy Jie, time to change your baby days ticker :P

Vyvy said...

phoebe mei mei i update the ticker liao hahahaha

Anonymous said...

thanks celine!