6th month statistics

Forgot to update Declan's latest statistics taken during his injection last week.

Length = 66cm
Weight = 8.170kg

I purposely sneaked to the polyclinic to meet up with Kiat and mil who brought Declan there for his jab. My objective was to be there as an angelic mother Angel to hold my baby close and comfort him after the jab. I had been a bad mama, cos for his last 2 jabs, I was not there with him so I must atone my sin.

"deeeee" the Q number jumped and reflected our number. I picked up baby, went in, nurse measured baby then proceeded to "interrogate" us and ok! time for jab! I chose to let Kiat be the bad papa Cigarwho would be sujecting the baby to the jab. My plan was like this : I'll let Kiat hold baby while nurse administered the jab and when baby brawl, I'll take over to comfort him. hehehhehehe so evil of me.

So ok, Kiat held baby, and nurse adviced :" ok mama u hold this toy and distract baby" Being the obedient angelic mum, I did as I was told and played clown to distract my boy. Nurse poked the needle in, I held my breathe and waited! No sound.. No reaction.... YET. ok well! I'm sure he gonna brawl when the vaccine is administered. Nurse injected the vaccine in! Again I waited, anticipating his loud screams. Waited.. waited.. waited ... and then Nurse said :" Wow what a brave boy! no tears no screams!"

Aye??? Sala leh?! He supposed to cry wor... I went with him on his first jab and he cried like no body business wor... His dad said he cried on the following jabs also leh... how come this jab no reaction one? aiyah... spoiled my plan of wanting to play angel mama... chey! wet blanket.... But I came out a proud mama! My boy didn't even flinch! Baby with Big GutS!