Formula Rejection

It took Declan 6 over months for him to decide that he really doesn’t like formula milk… Prior to starting solid food, he seemingly loves formula; always drink till the last drop. Of late, he refuses to drink a single drop of formula when we are outside. He’ll rather wait till we are home so that he can savor on his favorite Mama’s brand milk. The wonderful thing is, he won’t fuss wor, not even when its way passes his feeding hour…. Hmmm weird…. What’s happening??


huileng said...

I also noticed that my girl doesn't need to feed when we are out. Seems that seeing so much things outside already filled their stomach.

Vyvy said...

What I observed was, before he start on solid food, he'll faithfully cry for his milk every 2 and a half to 3 hours, even when we are out.

Now that he had started solid, he'll still cry for his feed but upon tasting formula, he'll reject the milk and keep quiet and refuse to drink the formula....

Weird baby..