Tough Diaper Time

Nowadays it’s so tough to change diaper for Dec… By the time we manage to slap on a piece of fresh diaper on his butt, we’ll be so tired as if we just walk out of WWF wrestling ring…..This boy just refuse to lie on his back for even 3 seconds.. The moment you place him on the changing mat, he’ll flip over faster than how Mr Prata Man can flip over his prata. How to change diaper with him on his tummy??

So whoever changing him will have to wrestle with him. We’ll try to keep his butt on the mat and he’ll try to lift his butt off the mat. End result -> You have a screaming baby and a frustrated plus exhausted and sometimes “dirty” care taker. The “dirty” will take effect when he poo. Imagine the mess he’ll create when he keeps trying to flip over with his backside full of his excrement and then the “changer” will have to try to hold him down… My god…. Won’t the situation be worse when he learn to crawl??? Shocked Somebody! Save MMMMEeeeeeee……


huileng said...

Eh, this post is more hilarious then desperate...haha.
I don't have the perfect solution, the following are what I do.

1.Find some toys or books or whatever interest the baby and let him hold it while you diaper him, hopefully it could distract him for a while.

2. Quickly clean up the big pieces of poo and wash his backside under the tap. If he struggle not to let you put on the diaper, then let him go bottomless for a while...well, he might pee though.

3. If he could stand with support already, let him stand and you put on the diaper for him in that standing position. Or ask your husband to support him standing while you diaper him.

4. Last resort, get your husband to pin him down while you quickly change him. Get ready some cotton wool to stuff into your ears, he is sure to scream bloody hell.

Vyvy said...

We've tried distracting with toys and books.. he'll be interested with those BUT only when he manage to flip over onto his tummy. He can't stand without support yet and he hates to be pinned down...

Now, we usually try to have 2 person around when we change diaper for him. One to hold him still and the other to clean his mess. Like you have rightly stated.. he'll scream but I guess we can live with that for now hahaha.

I'm considering to buy him Mummy Poko Pants once he learn to crawl. I saw the advert on TV and it looks pretty convenient to use.