My boy is 7months old now. The Chinese old folks always say baby will sit at 7 months, crawl at 8 months and “sprout” teeth at 9 months. Now at 7 months, my baby can’t really sit up straight without support for too long. He preferred to be propped up and have something to lean against. Lazy fellow….You sit him upright, he’ll obliged for awhile, after that he’ll cry out for help. If no one comes to his rescue, he’ll just relax all his muscle and let himself topple over. Hahahha.
I guess if he put in enough effort, he can actually sit on his own now. Anyway, I’m not taking any chances. I don’t wish to see him topple and land on the concrete floor, so I usually let him sit on cushion surface and only with adult supervision.
Let’s see how long he’ll take to be able to sit on his own for extended period.
It probably won't be long. Mine was like that too, just like a humpty dumpty.
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