2nd PTC

This is a backdated post. We went for Declan's Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC) last Saturday. Didn't really have time to blog about it till now.

First, let me share with all his Development Report.

From the English Teacher

Physical Development:

Enjoys playing with Legos, blocks. Tend to build long trains and move them around in the classroom.
*Bingo! He does that at home too!*

Able to kick ball
*Spot on! He loves playing soccer with the dad*

Intellectual Development

Starting to verbalize his thoughts
Able to respond to simple instructions
*I'll be worried if he can't do the above*

Enjoy picture books
*I'm quite skeptical though I know that he don't mind flipping through the books looking for things that interest him e.g fish or barney*

Emotional Development

May shout or cry loudly when someone disturbs him or snatch his toys.
*He displays this behavior whenever Keith is around. I'm not surprise.*

He will smile and plays with his friends
*I'm glad to hear that*

Social Development

Plays toys with his friends

Defends own possession
*I know he is not very keen to share certain of his toys with some people, especially Keith. I think it's just a phase, he'll get over it.

From the Chinese Teacher

Physical Development:

喜欢室内、外活动、能积极参加,喜欢做手工,涂画,自己可以吃饭,精力好, 睡
睡得好? 那是因为他每天都很晚才睡!

Intellectual Development

对华文歌曲和跳舞感兴趣,模仿能力强,喜欢听故事,偶尔会讲:"老师, 你看!" 的
老师讲得对, 他喜欢唱歌跳舞。不过他在家里从来都没有耐心听我讲故事。他的华

Emotional Development

与其他幼儿相处好,热情,有爱心! 乐于助人,会帮其他幼儿拿水瓶。情绪好。
热情,是应为他搂着老师往她脸上狂吻。 哈哈哈! 很开心听到他乐于助人! 不过呢,我不同意他情绪好。

Social Development

怎么英语老师与华语老师的看法有一点不一样? 一个说他不愿分享, 一个却说他能
够分享? 我觉得他会选择对象分享。

The best comments come from his principal. She said :"他很有性格!" If he refuse to do something, no amount of persuasion nor coaxing will move him. Sometimes when someone call him, he won't answer if he don't feel like answering... I equate that to being stubborn....

Below are some of the art work he attempted. Nothing fantastic, but at least they are his effort.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The baby picture indicates that he is able to colour the big baby when the teacher ask him to identify the bigger baby. His is a blue baby!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

He is trying to draw fireworks in the first pic. I think he did it quite ok. All of you can see that, his colouring skill still has loads of room for improvement. However, I will not be putting him on the chair and insist he practice his colouring everyday till he gets it right. I'll rather he do it at his own pace. The teachers observe that he is better with brushes than colour pencils.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This piece is my personal favorite. The Chinese Teacher shared with me that when she was teaching the kids to put the shapes together to make car, Declan specifically requested for 2 rectangles while the other kids all get one. Of course Teacher didn't reject him. All kids were given 2 circles as the wheels. When everyone is ready to hand their work in, she was surprised to see Declan had some how realised that his exceptionally "long" car will need another wheel to balance out. So he quietly took another circle from the table and paste it on without the knowledge of the teacher. The teacher was amazed, so am I :) I think he is trying to construct his favorite vehicle - train, instead of a car.

Well done Declan. I can see his improvement from the last PTC. Though not a very huge leap, but I am happy to observe that things he didn't do too well during the last PTC, he improved.


Unknown said...

"他很有性格!" If he refuse to do something, no amount of persuasion nor coaxing will move him. Sometimes when someone call him, he won't answer if he don't feel like answering... I equate that to being stubborn....

~~That sounds a lot like my daughter...:p