I'm bitten by the shopping bug and as a result, I've added 3 extra pieces of "cloth" into my wardrobe. I'm a fan of
BYSI. I find their clothes not too bad and reasonably price and since I'm a member, I get another 15% off their merchandise. I brought back 2 of their dresses over the week.

I bought the purple dress with the intention of keeping it as my maternity dress. It is a long A line flair dress, thus it'll be able to contain the tummy till at least 6-7 months, depending on how big I am lah. No no people, don't mistaken, I'm not pregnant YET. Still trying, but I just can't resist this piece. After dicount, I only paid $41+ for it. Where on earth can you find such a cheap piece of maternity dress? On the average, a decent looking piece of maternity dress will cost about $80 - $100... In comparison this is only about half that amount.
Guess how much the black lacy tube dress cost? It's also $41+ after discount. Fantastic deal right?! It's a good piece for attending weddings and todate I've already 4 weddings in the pipeline for me to attend in Year 2007....

This is another good catch from Bugis Street. Only $20! Need to get a tube to go with this one as I'm not as well endowed as Pamela Anderson and even if I am, I'll rather cover up my modesty then to walk around worrying about showing more than I am comfortable with :p I'm a sucker for bargains! Branded lables are not my cup of tea. I'll never bear to part with a few hundred bucks for just 1 piece of cloth. I'll rather buy many pieces with the same amount of money. Having said that, if it's something for my kiddo, I'm willig to spend a bit more. That's the wonder of motherhood ain't it?
For a moment, I thought you are pregnant! And I thought I missed reading that post. The silly me scrolled down and then decided to read further... :)
Nice dress, skirt and top! So sexy!!! hmm.....
Nice! I should get myself some christmas pressies too!
I love the black lacy tube dress..very nice!!
Here's wishing you and family a Merry Christmas and a happy and wonderful 2007! :)
i'm still waiting for ur good news leh ...hehe..
I also thought u preggy leh...so fast buy maternity dress :)
I knew it! I know when I mention I'm gonna keep the dress as a maternity dress, you gals will probably think that I had succeeded in my production. That's why I immediately added on a "disclaimer" hehehehhe
Let's hope i'll have good news for u gals sooooonn.....
I thought I missed a post about you getting preggie.Lol. So, I'm not the only one! I love that black tubeless dress. At least you can wear a tubeless..if I wear one, dunno where to hide, people will fall off their chair laughing at me :P
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