Should I Stop Breastfeeding?

"Breastfeed your baby as long as you can. Your baby's urine plus the alkalinity of his stool can cause skin irritation, which may make him more prone to diaper rash. Breastfeeding can be helpful because it lowers the ph of your baby's stool, making it more acidic. Breastfeeding also boosts your baby's resistance to infection, in general, and makes him less likely to need antibiotics, which can also contribute to diaper rash."

The above was taken from an article in BabyCenter. Now that adds another reason to the one whole list of the benefits of breastfeeding. It was never a difficult decision for me to decide to breastfeed. I didn't even need to consider. The moment I knew that I was expecting, it's already imprinted in my mind that my baby would be breastfed.

The difficult part lies in deciding when to stop breastfeeding. Some mums may advocate not to stop. I'm into my 9th month of giving my baby breast milk. With my last job, it was easy. There's a fridge in the office and my 2 male bosses were kind enough to let me have some private time in the afternoon to express my milk. Now that I've reported to a new work place, I no longer have a fridge in the office. In fact, I don't even have a proper work station to start with and I didn't bring up to this new boss that I need a little time away for me to produce food for my son...

Currently, my boy's milk intake has dropped too. He only take about 4 feeds of milk daily while I expressed 6 feeds daily. The extra 2 feeds will be thrown away... so waste... I wonder whether any hospital accept donation of breastmilk for those premature babies, I really don't mind contributing. Oh course that is dependent on whether the mum allow her baby to take another woman's milk. Frankly speaking, if I am the mum I won't feel comfy.

I'll see if I can cut down to express 4 feeds aday and at the same time maintaining the supply. If I can't, I'll have no choice but to stop being a milk cow....


Phoebe said...

You can use a cooler box - with the ice bricks. Bring it to work and express at work. It can usually keep your milk supply cool for about 6 hours or so. You can still take your precious milk home.

Hmmm... when i do express, i will store up the milk in the freezer. You can keep them for up to 2 months.

Don't give up on breastfreeding. It is excellent for baby and mom. I intend to let Tim self wean. That way, it would be much easier for him to accept the change :) ... just my two cents worth :)

Vyvy said...

A cooler box will solve my storage problem but I still gotta solve the time issue... I'm really not comfortable to ask for time to express milk in the new office...

I hope to continue feeding him till he is 1yr old (at most!) Now i rearrange my "expressing routine", hopefully that won't affect my supply

MomsyWorld said...

Try rearranging your feeding schedule and see if it works. As for me, I have decided to be a SAHM for another two months and breastfeed Ethylyn till she's at least 6 mos. It is true that it will be rather bu hao yi si to take the time off and express milk for baby when you just join them.

My thought was - still breastfeed her after 6 mos. Just give her whatever I have as she will be having more solid food and requires lesser breastmilk for a day. I ever read an article some where that says even if you have insufficient BM for your little one, don't give up. Even that very ONE DROP is precious for the baby's well being.

You can purchase ice bricks (saw some on and store them if you want. Or you might want to sacrifice a little of your lunch time?

Phoebe said...

Its really up to you. I don't think they will mind. you might just have to ask the boss. They might be a friendly bunch of folks who are pro BF mums :) I bought my ice bricks from cold storage. Its about $3 plus each.

Are you using a manual or electric pump? How long do you usually take to pump?

Vyvy said...

I'm using a manual pump. Each pump will take me about 20 mins. I still don't have my own work station yet. so ahh I don't even have a decent place to put my bag.

I currently still trying to maintain expressing 3 times a day. Once in the morning before I go to work, once in the evening the moment I reach home and once at about 12 midnight before I turn in.

However ahhh yesterday I only manage to express twice as I work till 9+....

I will take you gals advice to prolong the feeding until my last drop whahahah

But hor Phoebe.. very difficult to open my mouth to tell an old man i need to express milk. I shy :x